Sealed bids of the following categories, addressed to the Executive Director, Punjab Institute of Mental Health, Lahore, are invited under PPRA Rules 2014 (amended). The bidder participating must not be blacklisted by the procuring agency or by the PPRA in whole Punjab. Bidder must have registration with relevant Tax Departments of Purchase of Stationery items
Tender documents contain terms & conditions and quantities where applicable. After the tender notice published in newspaper a copy of bidding documents is available on the website of Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority www.ppra.puniab.gov.pk. For Tenders, all bids should be submitted in a single package containing two separate envelops under Single stage - Two envelope procedure specified in PPRA Rules, 2014 (amended). Each envelope shall be clearly marked as "Technical Proposal" and "Financial Proposal".
Bidder must submit fresh CDR / Bank Guarantee @ 01% of estimated price as a Bid Security (refundable) in the name of Executive Director, Punjab Institute of Mental Health, Lahore with the FINANCIAL Proposal. No tender will be accepted without Bid Security & such tenders will be rejected.
Tender will be submitted at the Purchase Cell of Punjab Institute of Mental Health, Lahore.
In case of any official or local holiday, falling on the last date for submission of the bids, the next working day will automatically be the last date for submission and opening of the bids.
Punjab Institute of Mental Health, Lahore.