
University of Sargodha Tender Notice

Sargodha ,
University of Sargodha Tender Notice View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh

Tender Notice
University of Sargodha

University of Sargodha intends to purchase the below mentioned items. Relevant interested firms registered with Income Tax / GST departments may obtain / send their tender, upto 06-08-2024 at 10:30AM and will be opened on the same day at 11:30 AM in the presence of representatives of the firms in Directorate of Procurement & Stores.
Purchase of Furniture for
Radiography and imaging
Technology Program,
Department of Allied Health Sciences
Purchase of Furniture for Nursing College, Department of Allied Health Sciences
1. Detailed bidding documents are available immediately from the Directorate of Procurement & Stores after the publication of tender notice on producing demand draft (Non-Refundable) of above mentioned amount in favor of Treasurer, University of Sargodha.
2. If bids are sent through courier than bidding document fee (in the form of demand draft) must be sent in separate envelope, otherwise bid will not be accepted. The Bidding Document carrying all details can also be downloaded from website of University of Sargodha htpp:/ su.edu.pk and website of Punjab Procurement Regulatory Authority http://ppra.punjab.gov.pk. University of Sargodha will not be responsible for any cost or expense incurred by Bidders in connection with the preparation or delivery of Bids.
5. 05% Scheduled Bank CDR (Refundable) of the Estimated Cost of each lot as mentioned above in the name of Treasurer, University of Sargodha must be attached with financial bid as Bid Security.
6. Detailed specifications along with estimated cost are available in the bidding document.
7. In case of official holiday on the day of submission, next day will be treated as closing date.
For all correspondence, please use postal address, Directorate of Procurement & Stores, University of Sargodha.
9. For further details please contact on phone No. 048-9230110.
10. Purchase will be made under PPRA (Punjab) rule 38(1) "single stage one envelope procedure" as amended from time to time.
11. All Firms shall have to follow all terms and conditions issued by University of Sargodha and PPRA (Punjab) from time to time.
Chairman Purchase Committee
Directorate of Procurement & Stores
University of Sargodha

Contact No: 048-9230110, 048-9230811-Ext:505


Published On: 7 months ago

Newspaper: PPRA

Category(s): Furniture Tenders,

Company Detail

University of Sargodha Tenders Published Tender in Newspaper PPRA.

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