
KOICA Korea International Cooperation Agency Islamabad Tender Notice

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KOICA Korea International Cooperation Agency Islamabad Tender Notice View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh

Korea International Cooperation Agency KOREA
(Procurement of Goods) Date: July 19, 2024
1. The KOICA (Korea International Cooperation Agency) Pakistan Office intends to invite foreign and local eligible Bidders for Furniture for Procurement Services of Goods for the Project

2. 'Establishment of PAK-KOREA Nutrition Center (PKNC) to improve child & community nutrition 'Brief of Bidding Goods for procurement: Provision, delivery, installation, operation training, and 2-year after-work service and warranty for the package of 717 pieces of 48 office furniture items in the list attached.
Delivery Terms: Placement and Installation
Purchaser: KOICA Pakistan Office
Bid Type: (Urgent) International Bidding, Open Competitive Bidding
Selection of the Successful Bidders: by Post-qualification
Bidder's qualification requirement:
Must be a legally registered company and submit a valid business registration in Pakistan.
Submit all required bid application on time and notified as a qualified bidder Submit completion certificate of manufacture, delivery, and installation of office/school furniture valued at not less than USD 110,000 (including VAT) in the past five years from the date of this bid announcement. (refer to Bid Data Sheet, Annex 1.) Performance Certificates (Original copy of completion certificate)
The completion certificate or contract should indicate the work scope, amount, dates, and
contract duration, further, any ongoing projects are unacceptable. (If the bidder cannot submit
original completion certificate, contract, tax invoice, transaction statement, etc. should be
Name of Currency: USD
Application for bidding (Time and Date): Until July 23, 2024, 12:00
Submission deadline (Time and date, Place): Until August 2, 2024, 15:00, KOICA Pakistan Office Bid Opening Date (Time and date, Place): Until August 5, 2024, 10:00, KOICA Pakistan Office For further information, please refer to Bid Data Sheet (BDS).

3. The available budget for this procurement assignment is USD 110,000 and Bidders' Proposals should not exceed this budget. Any bid exceeding the project budget may result in rejection of its bid The Bidding Documents include the following documents:
Section 1 - Instructions to Bidders (ITB)
Section 2 - Bid Data Sheet (BDS)
Section 3 - Bidding Forms
Section 4 - Building Layout
Section 5 - List of Furniture (specification) with photo reference
Section 6 - General Conditions of Contract
Section 7 - Special Conditions of Contract
Section 8 - Contract Forms
Language of Proposal: English
KOICA Pakistan Office requires that bidders and contractors observe the highest standard of
ethics during the procurement and execution of such contracts. In pursuance of this policy,
(a) will reject a proposal for award if it determines that the bidder recommended for award has
engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for the contract in question;
(b) will recognize a contractor as ineligible, for a period determined by KOICA.

The KOICA now invites sealed bids from eligible bidders from eligible source countries.

Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information on the bid form and inspect the
bidding documents at KOICA Pakistan Office. https://www.koica.go.kr/sites/pak_en/index.do

All bids must be accompanied by a bid security of not less than five percent (5%) of Total Bid Price or stated fixed amount. When a fixed amount is stated, it should be approximately five percent (5% of the estimated cost of the Contract. and must be delivered in accordance with the Instructions to Bidders on or before 15:00 on August 2, 2024.

KOICA will not be responsible for any costs or expenses incurred by bidders in connection with the preparation or delivery of bids.
Address: House no. 2, Street no. 48, F/7-4, Islamabad
Website: https://www.koica.go.kr/sites/pak_en/index.do
Telephone: +92 51 8444 681-2
E-mail: : koicapakistanoffice@koica.go.kr
Person in charge: Mr. Adnan Wadood & Ms. Yeonkyeong Joh


Published On: 7 months ago

Newspaper: Express

Category(s): Ngo Tenders,

Company Detail

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