
Employees Old Age Benefits Institution Karachi Tender Notice

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Employees Old Age Benefits Institution Karachi Tender Notice View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh

Employees Old-Age Benefits Institution
EOBI House, 190/1/B, Block-2, PECHS, Karachi.
Procurement of UPS

Employees Old-Age Benefits Institution is an autonomous organization, under the Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis and Human Resource Development, Government of Pakistan. Providing benefits to the registered employees of industrial, commercial and other organizations, EOBI intends to promote its benefits among stakeholders and encourage employers and employees to register with EOBI for availing the benefits, so far EOBI is paying pension to more than 7.5 lacs pensioners.
EOBI invites proposals from reputed firms/vendors for the procurement of new UPS (04 units) with three
(03) years comprehensive warranty (with all parts and batteries).
Minimum Eligibility Criteria
1. The bidder must have completed at least three (03) similar projects.
2. The bidder must be registered with FBR/Sales Tax and Provincial
Revenue Boards.
3. The bidder should not be in litigation with EOBI and Federal Government and has not blacklisted by Government.
4. Annual Sales Report at least Rs. 30 million over the last three Action to be taken Proof Required Proof of Active Tax Payer Required An affidavit required on Rs. 100 Bond Paper Proof Required (03) years
Bidders will submit all the documents required to establish eligibility criteria in a separate envelope titled "MINIMUM ELIGIBILITY" at the time of submission of bids.
Bid Documents Availability
Bid documents can be obtained on production of a Pay Order of Rs. 5,000/- (non-refundable) drawn on any local commercial bank in favor of Employees' Old-Age Benefits Institution, Head Office,
Karachi, from date of publication of this advertisement till 11:00 am on 05.08.2024 from the office of the Assistant Director (Procurements), General Administration Department at the below given address.
Bid Opening, Validity & Bid Security
Technical bids shall be opened on 05.08.2024 at 11:30 am in the Board Room of EOBI Head Office, at 8th floor. Representatives of bidders may attend the bid opening. All bids submitted must have a validity of at least 180. days. Validity shall be counted from the date of opening of Technical Bid. All bids are to be accompanied with a "BID SECURITY" pay order equal to two (2%) of total bid value. BID SECURITY shall be placed in a separate envelope labeled accordingly with the financial proposal.
For further queries, please contact Mr. Wahab Ahmed, Deputy Director (IT/Data Center), during (0900 to 1500 hours from Monday to Friday, contact No 021-99225375-76 or at data.center@eobi.gov.pk.
The tender advertisement is also available at PPRA website. www.ppra.org.pk and EOBI website: www.eobi.gov.pk.
Director (GAD)
General Administration Department
EOBI Head Office, 190/1/B, Block-2, PECHS, Karachi


Published On: 7 months ago

Newspaper: Express Tribune

Category(s): Miscellaneous Tenders,

Company Detail

Employees Old Age Benefits Institution Tenders Published Tender in Newspaper Express Tribune.

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