1. Project Director "Immediate Track Safety Works on ROH-TDM section invites bids for "SUPPLY OF OUTDOOR SIGNAL GEAR INCLUDING TRACK CIRCUIT, OUTDOOR CABLES AND MECHANICAL GEAR "SPECIALLY MANUFACTURED ITEMS" ON ROHRI-TANDO ADAM SECTION" from eligible firms or persons registered with Sale Tax and Income Tax and on ATL list of FBR, on single stage one envelope bidding basis as per PPRA rules.
2. Tender documents can be obtained from (Tender No.F-240785194) free of cost. Bidders must submit their Bids and related documents mentioned in bid documents, through E-Pak Acquisition and Disposal System (E-PADS). Bids & related documents must be accompanied by a scanned copy of Bid security in the form of CDR/Pay order, in the name of FA and CAO, amounting to Rs.1.785 million whereas bid security in original shall be submitted in the office of Divisional Accounts Officer/Sukkur alongwith other necessary documents as stated in bidding documents before closing of submission time.
3. In addition, a hard copy of tender duly filled should be submitted in under mentioned office on 31.07.2024 not later than 12:00 hours. However, only those bids shall be entertained for opening of bids which are submitted on EPADS.
4. Bids will be opened on same date and venue at 12:30 hours in the presence of the representatives of the firms who want to be present.
5. Tender notice is also available on PPRA website ( and Pakistan Railways website (
(Muhammad Raza Qureshi)
Pakistan Railways, Sukkur