
Irrigation Department Mansehra Tender Notice

Mansehra ,
Irrigation Department Mansehra Tender Notice View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh
TENDER NOTICE GOVERNMENT OF KHYBER PAKHTUNKHWA IRRIGATION DEPARTMENT NOTICE INVITING E-BIDDING (Single Stage Single Envelope Procedure) Executive Engineer Mansehra Irrigation Division Mansehra Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa invites Electronic Bids from eligible firms / bidders in accordance with KPPRA Procurement Rules 2014 on single stage single Envelope procedure for the following works. 1 Silt clearance of Lower Siran Canal Rd 0-14000 in reaches 2. Silt clearance of Lower Siran Canal. 3 Silt clearance of Hathi Maira Branch & Gandian Minor Rd 36500-tail in reaches 4. Silt clearance of Upper Siran Canal 5. Silt clearance of Upper Siran Canal Rd 30000-61000 in reaches General Terms and Conditions: 1. Bid Solicitation documents including Instructions to Bidders can be downloaded from Irrigation website http://www.irrigation.gkp.pk as well as KPPRA website, otherwise bids submitted without these documents (duly filled) will be considered non-responsive. 2. Bid solicitation documents issued to the bidders, contains requirements for eligible bidder and other important terms and conditions. 3. Electronic Bidding shall be done on "Above / Below System" on BOQ / Engineer's Estimate, based on the MRS/NSI where applicable. Only two digits after the decimal point shall be considered for evaluation purpose. 4. The Bidder should submit through courier 02% Bid Security sealed in envelope of the estimated cost in the shape of Call Deposit (Original) as per kppra instructions, rules and other government notifications issued from time to time. 5. The employer has the authority to reject any bid or all the bids assigning cogent reasons. 6. Bid security of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd lowest Electronic Bidder for the specific work will be retained by the department for one week after issuance of letter of acceptance to the successful bidder. 7. All the bidders / Firms must be registered with the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority. 8. The contractors quoting their bids more than 10% below upto 20% below on Engineers Estimate shall submit along with their bids 8% Additional security of Engineers estimated cost in addition to 2% bid security. If the bid is not accompanied with the required amount of additional security then it will be considered as non responsive, and 2% bid security shall be forfeited in favour of Government. 9. If a contractor quoting bid more than 20% below shall submit with his bid an additional security on Engineers estimated cost equal to the differential amount of submitted bid on Engineers estimate along with detailed rate analysis. In case of more than 20% below bids, if the bid is not accompanied by the detailed rate analysis or required amount of additional security, then the bid shall be considered non responsive . All the securities submitted along with such non responsive bid shall be forfeited in favour of government and the 2nd lowest bidder and so on will be considered accordingly. 10. The Bids would be submitted in the office of Superintending Engineer Hazara Irrigation Circle Abbottabad and contractors must prepare the CDRs i.e 2% E/Money and Additional Security (if any) in the name of Executive Engineer Mansehra Irrigation Division Mansehra. 11. Pre-bid meeting will be held on 15/12/2023 at 11.00 AM in the office of Executive Engineer Mansehra Irrigation Division Mansehra. 12. The last date for bid submission is 20/12/2023 @ 12.00 Noon which will be opened on 20/12/2023 at 12.30 PM in the office of the Superintending Engineer Hazara Irrigation Circle Abbottabad office in front of contractors and their representatives who wishes to attend. EXECUTIVE ENGINEER Irrigation Division Mansehra.


Published On: 1 year ago

Newspaper: Express

Category(s): Miscellaneous Tenders,

Company Detail

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