
NFML National Fertilizer Marketing Limited Lahore Tender Notice

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NFML National Fertilizer Marketing Limited Lahore Tender Notice View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh

Tenders for Labour & Security Services
At NFML Bulk Store Kissan

National Fertilizer Marketing Limited (NFML) invites "Single Stage-One Envelope procedure"
Tenders are invited from Labour & Security Services contractors registered with Income Tax and Provincial/Sales Tax Department for NFML BULK STORE-KISSAN effective from the date
of signing of agreement (extendable) till 14th July, 2025 against refundable Bid Security
amount equal to 5% of the total bid value quoted for all services at each store as given at
clause-25 of PPRA rules-2004, which shall have to be deposited by each contractor in the
form of Demand Draft/Pay Order in the name of NFML payable at Lahore.

The Labour & Security contractor is responsible for Unloading from Railway Wagons/Trucks and stacking in store, Loading into trucks, Truck to truck loading, Re-processing, Unstacking, Hammering, Re-bagging, Weighing, Stitching, Re-stacking and safety of the Store. The 10% refundable Performance Guarantee shall have to be also deposited by the successful bidder in the form of Demand Draft/Pay Order, in the name of NFML, Lahore before signing of agreement. Previous bid money, security/performance guarantee and the pending payments shall not be entertained in this fresh tender. The details are as under:-
Bulk Store
Tender Documents available at
NFML Head Office NFML-53-Jail Road, Lahore
Time, Date and place for Opening of bids
At 11:30 AM. Monday the 29 July, 2024 at NFML Head Office NFML-53-Jail Road, Lahore.

Tender documents containing Delivery Time/Completion Schedule, Qualification Criteria.
Evaluation Criteria and Terms/Conditions of Contracts which can be collected against
demand draft/pay order of Rupees Ten Thousand Only for each store (Rs.10.000/- non
refundable) in the name of NFML during Office hours from NFML Head Office located at 53-
Jail Road. Lahore, any day during Office hours till Friday 26th July. 2024 by 04:00 PM.
The employees, their spouse, Cartage Contractors, Manpower & Security Contractors and
the dealers of NFML are not eligible to apply. All Tenders can be submitted at NFML Head
Office. 53- Jail Road. Lahore latest by 11:00 A.M on Monday the 29th July. 2024, which shall
be opened by the designated committee at 11:30 A.M the same day, in the presence of the
contractors/ reps, who wish to remain present.

National Fertilizer Marketing Limited may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the
acceptance of a bid or proposal in accordance to clause 33(1) of PPRA Rules-2004.
This tender is also available on PPRA and NFML websites.
Ministry of Industries & Production
Government of Pakistan
Assistant Manager (Commercial)
National Fertilizer Marketing Limited
53-Jail Road, Lahore.
Telephone: 042-99205666-73


Published On: 8 months ago

Newspaper: Express

Category(s): Ngo Tenders, Security Services Tenders,

Company Detail

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