Government of Pakistan
(Ministry of Science & Technology)
(Pakistan Council of Scientific & Industrial Research)
Campus PCSIR Labs. Complex, Off University Road, Karachi-75280
Contact No. 92-21-99261968, 9926196799261970 (Director) 3 92-2199261969, E-mail:
Tender Enquiry PSTC/Security Guards/TE/110/23
Sealed tenders are invited for hiring service of 04 (four) Security Guards from the reputed
Security Guards Agencies/ Contractor /Companies duly approved by Govt. Authorities having adequate
experience in the field on the following terms & conditions:-
• The Security Guards must be uniformed, physically fit and will be deployed with
proper weapon/ammunition.
• Only those companies are eligible who are tax registered and have valid NTN/GST registration
copies of Registration must be submitted alongwith the Bid documents.
• A valid health / fitness certificate of security guards may be provided at the time of contract
Physique / smartness of the guards can be examined before signing of the contract.
The Security Guards must have a lawful authority of having requisite armed with training to use
the same.
• Rate quoted must be as per Govt. inclusive all duties / taxes.
• Earnest Money (equivalent to 2% of the quoted Value of 04 Security Guards for the Agreement
period of 12 months) should be enclosed with the Bid documents, otherwise the offer will not be
accepted. The Earnest Money should be in shape of Pay Order in favour of "The Director PSTC,
• Last date of receiving the offer with complete documents and terms & conditions submit in the
office of Pak Swiss Training Centre Karachi.
• Due by 11:00 a.m on 20-12-2023
• Time & Date of opening 11:30 a.m on 20-12-2023.
• The Director, PSTC reserves the rights to accept or reject any or all bids as per provision
contained in the public procurement Rules without showing and reason.
• Tender Documents can be obtained against the cost of Rs. 1000/- (One Thousand Only) in shape
of Pay Order in Favour of "The Director PSTC, Karachi".
• The Hiring of Security Guards through selected firm will be made by hiring of contract Agreement
ARC by both the parties valid up to 12 months for the date of Agreement.
The visited by interested premises of the Office and Hostel can be Agencies/ Contractor
/Companies representative during the office hours Form 9:30 a.m. to 03:00 p.m in working days.
Hassan Mahdi Mirza
Purchase Officer