
Public Sector Organization Islamabad Tender Notice

Islamabad ,
Public Sector Organization Islamabad Tender Notice View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh
OPEN TENDER NOTICE Sealed tenders are invited from the reputed manufacturers and stockiest on FOR, Islamabad basis registered with Sales Tax Department having their own offices with telephone and fax facilities. The description of tenders alongwith terms & conditions are as under: 1. Detailed specifications alongwith terms & conditions etc can be obtained from the undersigned by making a request in writing on firm's letter-head alongwith the bank draft/pay order of given tender fee in the name of Director Finance, P.o Box 1482, Islamabad. 2. Tender fee in CASH will not be accepted. 3. Tender/quotation must be accompanied by 02% earnest money in favor of Director Finance, P.o Box No. 1482, Islamabad. 4. Tender documents will not be issued to the firms who could not supply the stores against orders in past. 5. Onus of the postal delays in the delivery of tenders shall rest with the tenderer. The envelope should be super-scribed by tender number and its due date. 6. Tenders received after date of opening shall not be entertained. The validity of the tenders must invariably be 60 days from the date of opening. Tenderer's own validity less than this will be accepted. 7. Tenders containing cutting and overwriting shall be rejected forthwith. 8. Payment will be made after satisfactory inspection and receipt of complete stores. 9. The competent authority reserves the right to accept/reject any or all the quotations at any stage/time. 10. Tender documents can be dispatched against receipt of request and bank draft through dak/fax/email. 11. The original bank draft should be received in this office ONE DAY before the opening date. 12. Last date of issuance of tender documents is also ONE DAY before opening date of tender. HEAD PROCUREMENT P.O. Box 1482, Islamabad Tel: 051-9248801-7 Ext:3631-3633 E-mail: procproc1966@gmail.com


Published On: 1 year ago

Newspaper: Express

Category(s): Miscellaneous Tenders,

Company Detail

Public Sector Organization Tenders Published Tender in Newspaper Express.

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