
National Disaster Risk Management Fund Islamabad Tender Notice

National Disaster Risk Management Fund Islamabad Tender Notice View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh
National Disaster Risk Management Fund - NDRMF INVITATION TO BIDS HIRING SERVICES OF A FIRM FOR PRODUCTION OF NDRMF PODCAST SERIES AND WEBINAR SERIES 1. National Disaster Risk Management Fund hereinafter shall be termed as "Fund" & "Client") is a not-for-profit company incorporated with the Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan, under Section 42 of the Companies Act 2017, invites sealed Bids from the eligible services provider/firm for production of NDRMF Podcast series and webinar series as per Concept Note provided in the Bidding Document. The services providers/firms must have established office(s), duly registered with relevant tax authorities, and fulfil the eligibility & qualification requirements mentioned in the bidding document under Public Procurement Rules, 2004- Single Stage Two Envelop Procedure. 2. Bidding document containing detailed terms & conditions for the aforesaid activity may be downloaded from Website of PPRA and NDRMF i.e. Further, details can be obtained from the office of Manager Procurement, EOBI Building, 5th Floor, G-10/4, Islamabad. 3. The sealed Bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the Bidding document, must reach at the address below on or before 12* December, 2023 at 1100 hours. At first stage, Technical Bids will be publically opened on the same day at 1130 hours in the presence of the participating bidders/ their authorized representatives, who may choose to be present. This notice is also available on Fund's Website i.e. www.ndrmf.pk and PPRA website at www.ppra.org.pk. Manager (Procurement) National Disaster Risk Management Fund EOBI Building, 5th Floor, G-10/4, Islamabad Telephone No. 92(51) 9108300- 415 Email: - muhammad.asif@ndrmf.pk


Published On: 1 year ago

Newspaper: Express

Category(s): Ngo Tenders, General Order Supply Tenders,

Company Detail

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