
Cantonment Board Karachi Tender Notice

Karachi ,
Cantonment Board Karachi Tender Notice View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh


Contact: 021-99247077
Fax No: 021-99247066
E-mail: pa.cbmalir@gmail.com

The Cantonment Board Malir invites sealed bids on the basis of  "single stage two envelope procedure" under Rule 36(b) of PPRA Rule 2004 from the suppliers / contractors / wholesalers / original equipment manufacturers / authorized dealers, registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Departments and who are on Active Taxpayers list of the Federal Board of Revenue for the Supply & installation of CCTV systems, pabx & wifi systems, club members management software & fiber optics line For MLA' Club, Malir Cantt.


  1. Supply & installation of CCTV system
  2. Supply & installation of PABX Systems & Wifi
  3. Supply & installation of Club Members management software with devices
  4. Installation of fiber optics for PSTN line, data connectivity and TV cable
  5. Supply & installation of online 6kva UPS

2. Bidding documents, containing Form of Bid, detail of Supply & Installation of CCTV systems, pabx & wifi systems, club members Management software & fiber optics line terms & conditions,Specifications etc arc available at Office of the Cantonment Board Malir, Bostan Lines, Malir Cantt: Karachi from where complete set of bidding documents can be collected on any working day during office hours. Price of the bidding documents is Rs. 1000/- while Bid Security will be 5% of the  hid price (refundable in case of rejection of tender) in the fom of pay order/demand draft in favor of Cantonment Board Malir.

3. The bids, prepared in accordance with the instructions in the bidding documents, must reach at Office of the Cantonment Board Malir, Bostan Lines, Malir Cantt: Karachi on or before 04th July, 2024 at 12:00 Noon. Initially, only the envelope marked "TECHNICAL PROPOSAL" shall be opened on the same date i.e. 04th July, 2024 at 12:30 P.M. After the evaluation and approval of the technical proposal the Cantonment Board Malir shall open "FINANCIAL PROPOSALS" of the technically accepted bids only on 11th July, 2024 at 12:00 Noon. This advertisement is also available on PPRA.

Cantonment Executive Officer
Cantt Board Malir, Bostan Lines, Malir Cantt, Karachi, Pakistan.


Published On: 8 months ago

Newspaper: Express

Category(s): Cctv Tenders, It Tenders, Electrical And Mechanical Tenders,

Company Detail

Cantonment Board Tenders Published Tender in Newspaper Express.

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