
Highway Division Lahore Tender Notice

Lahore ,
Highway Division Lahore Tender Notice View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh
PUNJAB HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT NOTICE INVITING TENDERS 1.Sealed tenders based on item rates herby invited, for the works mentioned below from the contractors / firms enlisted / renewed having PEC License for the year 2023-24 in the field of Highway Works in relevant category or above. 2. Tender documents can be obtained from any of the below mentioned offices immediately after publication of advertisement notice, upon written request accompanied with attested copies of PEC License in relevant category for the year 2023-24 CNIC of Contractors / Managing Partner/ Director of the fim along with original registered Power of Attorney and on payment of prescribed tender fee in shape of original bank challan 32-A deposited in the State Bank of Pakistan, Lahore/National Bank of Pakistan Main Branch Lahore under head of account C-02716 others in favour of Executive Engineer, Highway Division Lahore Treasury Account No.86.. 1. Chief Engineer, (Central Zone) Punjab Highway Department 2-Lake Road Lahore. 2. Commissioner Lahore Division Lahore. 3. Superintending Engineer, Highway Circle Lahore. 4. Deputy Commissioner Lahore 5.Executive Engineer, Highway Division Lahore. 6 Assistant Commissioner, Lahore. 3. Tendered rates and amount should be filled in figure as well as in words and tenders should be signed as per general directions given in the tender documents. No rebate on tender rates will be acceptable. 4. Tenders will be received simultaneously in the in the offices of Chief Engineer (Central) Punjab Highway Department Lahore and Commissioner Lahore Division, Lahore and will be opened on fixed date & time by the respective Tenders Opening Committee at the above venue in the presence of intending contractors or their representatives. 5. Conditional tenders and tenders not accompanied with Earest Money @2% of the estimated cost in shape of CDR/Bank Draft/Cashier's Cheque of any Scheduled Bank in favour of Executive Engineer, Highway Division, Lahore and altested copies of registered partnership deed and power of attorney in case of firms will not be entertained. (i) The Procuring Agency may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of bids or proposals (ii) The Procuring Agency shall upon request communicate to any bidder, the grounds for its rejection of all bids or proposal, but shall not required to justify those grounds Note: In case the total tendered amount is less than 5% of the approved estimated (DNIT) amount, the lowest bidder will have to deposit additional performance security from the Scheduled Bank ranging from 5% to 10% and so on (as per Finance Department advise vide No. RO (Tech) FD1-2183VI(P) dated 24-01-2006 and No. RO(Tech) FD1-2/2014 dated 10-04-2010) within 15-days of issuance of notice or within expiry period of bid, whichever is earlier. Name or Work: Special Repair of Motor Grader Model 1983 in Highway Store Pajjian District Lahore.


Published On: 1 year ago

Newspaper: Express

Category(s): Civil Construction Tenders,

Company Detail

Highway Division Tenders Published Tender in Newspaper Express.

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