
Public Sector Organization Islamabad Tender Notice

Dera Ghazi Khan ,
Public Sector Organization Islamabad Tender Notice View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh


A public sector organization invites sealed tenders from the manufacturer and potential parties/firms registered with sales tax department having their own office with telephone number and sales tax registration number F.O.R mentioned against each so as to reach on at 14:00 hours as per date

Electric Chain Hoist Coupled with Motor & Spares

HT and LT Overhead Line Material

Panel Components and Circuit Breakers

Light and Misc. Electrical Items, Earthing & Rewinding Materials

LT Cables

Spares for Dressta Dozer

Spares for IVECO Engines

Spares for Bourne Drilling Rig

Spares for Various Vehicles

Diesel Engine Driven Wheeled Fork Lift Truck

Centrifugal Pumps Horizontal (Complete Sets)

GI Pipes and GI Fittings

SS Pipes and SS Fittings

G.I and MS Pipes

MS Material (Sheets, Channels, Angle Irons & Etc)

Sodium Bentonite

2- The tender documents containing terms and conditions and detail specifications etc. can be obtained by applying on firm's letter Head Pad to the undersigned on payment of Rs.1 000/- (Non Refundable) for each tender in the shape of Demand Draft (en-cashable from any scheduled Bank at D. G. Khan) in favour of Pr. Accounts Officer, Post Office Box No.1, Dera Ghazi Khan. Validity of quoted rates will be for 90 days from the date of opening. 2% earnest money should be enclosed in a separate seal covered envelope along with quotation in the shape of call deposit in favour of Pr. Accounts Officer P.O. Box No.1, D.G. Khan. All the rates will be considered inclusive of GST unless otherwise GST is mentioned separately. The tender documents will be sold before one day opening of tenders.

3- The quotations must be received on due dates upto 14:00 Hrs mentioned against each tender and will be opened on same date at 14:30 Hrs in the presence of those who so desire to participate. Quotation for each tender should be sent separately in sealed cover to the Incharge (Procurement), P.O. Box No.2, Dera Ghazi Khan through Registered Post/UMS or any of the authorized courier services. The envelope should be marked as Tender No._ due on for (on upper left corner).

4- The quotation must be printed on company letter head in printing form & un-ambiguous. The competent authority reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the quotations. In case of closed/forced holidays, tender opening time/date will be considered as the next official working day. The advertisement is also available in PPRA web site.


P.O Box No.2, Dera Ghazi Khan, Ph. No. 064-2474708 Fax No.064-2474710


Published On: 1 year ago

Newspaper: Express

Category(s): Electrical And Mechanical Tenders,

Company Detail

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