Directorate General Immigration & Passports
G-8/1 Mauve Area, Islamabad
Ph: 92-51-9107078
Tender Notice
Purchase of Corrugated Boxes
Sealed tenders are invited from the NTN/GST registered firms for purchase of Corrugated Boxes. Tender document containing complete specifications, terms and conditions of this tender can be obtained from the office of the undersigned, on payment of Rs.2000/- in the form of pay Order/ Demand Draft/ Banker Cheque or in the form of cash (non-refundable) in favor of Director General Immigration & Passports by presenting request at company letter head.
Terms and Conditions:
l. Taxes shall be deducted as per applicable relevant laws.
ii. Taxes will be deducted as per applicable relevant laws.
iii. GST/NTN certificates should be provided with the tender.
iv. Abid security equal to Rs.523,000/- shall be provided with the tender in the form of call deposit from any scheduled bank in favor of Directorate General Immigration & Passports.
v. Single Stage two Envelop Procedure will be adopted. Technical and Financial proposals should be submitted in separate envelopes with the fact being clearly marked on each. Financial proposals of only technically qualified firms shall be opened.
vi. The sealed tender should reach office of the undersigned on or before Monday, June 24th, 2024, at 10:30 AM.
vii. Tender shall be opened on the Monday, June 24th, 2024, at 11:00 AM in presence of the interested tenderer or their authorized representatives.
viii. incomplete tender shall not be entertained.
ix. Directorate General Immigration & Passports reserves the right to accept or reject all tenders as per PPRA rules clause 33 prior to acceptance of bids.
x. This advertisement is available on PPRA's website i.e. and DG l&P's Website:
Director (Network/Logistics)
Directorate General Immigration & Passports (HQ),
Sector G-8/1, Mauve Area, Islamabad.
Ph: 051-9107078