
District Judiciary Buner Tender Notice

Buner ,
District Judiciary Buner Tender Notice View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh




Office of the Senior Civil Judge Admin Buner invites sealed bids under Competitive bidding for the procurement of the following equipment's in the light of rule 6 (2) (b) of "Single Stage two Envelope" Procedure of KPPRA Rules 2014, from manufactures/Importers/Authorized dealers registered with the income/Sales tax, reflected on active tax payers List (ATL) of FBR.

Hardware Items



Desktop PC

Heavy Duty Scanners

IT Equipment Items

Smart Phones

Desktop PC

Plant & Machinery

Solar Inverter 6KW

Split AC 1.5 Ton DC Inverter

Lithium ion battries

Furniture & Fixture

Computer Tables

Presiding Revolving Chairs

Computer Revolving Chairs

Center Table

Sofa Set 5 Seater

1. Bid solicitation documents containing detailed description including evaluation criteria and other terms and conditions may be obtain from the office of undersigned between 09:00 to 14:30 hours on any working day (Monday to Saturday) by depositing a sum of Rs.2000/- (against each category) as non-refundable from the date of publication of this advertisement in the newspaper till last date for submission of bids. The advertisement may also be downloaded from www.kppra.gob.pk and www.districtcourtsbuner.govt.pk/websites.

2. The bidders are required to submit bid security 2% (in original) of the quoted items in the form of call deposit call receipt (CDR)/demand draft (DD) in the name of "Senior Civil Judge(Admin), Buner" an affidavit is mandatory in technical bid (without indicating the figure) that bids security displaced in the financial bid.

3. Each envelope shall contain separately Technical and Financial bid clearly marked in bold in legible letters. The firms shall provide their complete information along with its postal as well as valid email address and phone numbers on each of the respective envelope.

4. The tenders complete in all respect should reach the undersigned by 11:00 hours on 20.06.2024 (Thursday). The technical bids should be open at 12:00 hours on the same day in the chamber of Senior Civil Judge (Admin), Buner in the presence of procurement committee and the bidders/representatives who may choose to attend. Competent authority reserve the right to reject any or all the bids as per provision contained in Rule 47 of KPPRA Rules 2014.

Senior Civil Judge (Admin)/AIQ,

Buner at Daggar

(Chairman Purchase Committee)

Company Detail

Civil Court Tenders Published Tender in Newspaper Mashriq.

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