
Office of The Controller Military Accounts Lahore Tender Notice

Lahore ,
Office of The Controller Military Accounts Lahore Tender Notice View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh



CMA Complex, Lahore Cantt.

Tel: +92 42 99220361, Fax: +92-42 99220245

Email: cmap@pmad.gov.pk


1. Scaled tenders/bids are invited for purchase of following items for office of the Controller Military Accounts (Pensions), Lahore Cantt from well reputed and interested parties/ suppliers/dealers/manufacturers etc. who are registered with and are on Active Taxpayers List of the Federal Board of Revenue/Provincial Tax Authorities.

Desktop Computers with LED

Network Attached Storage (NAS) Device with 16 TB Hard Drives (4 each in one NAS i.e. 4x2 = 8 Drives)

Portable External Solid State Drive (SSD)

Iron Racks

Auditor Tables with Chairs

Executive Chair

Officer Chairs

2. Specifications of items to be procured and terms & conditions of tender, in brief, will be provided with the tender documents which can be obtained from Admin Section of this office on payment of Rs. 2,000/- as tender fee (non-refundable) on any working day during office hours.

3. Bids shall be opened in accordance with rule 36(b) of Public Procurement Rules, 2004 i.e. single stage two envelopes procedure. Bids must reach the Admin Section of this office by 20-06-2024 at 9:30 A.M. Technical bids shall be opened on the same date at 10:00 A.M and financial bids of technically acceptable bids shall be opened on 20-06-2024 at 3:30 P.M in presence of Station Purchase Committee, Technical Evaluation Committee and representatives of bidders (who choose to attend) in office of the CMA(P), CMA Complex, Lahore Cantt. In case government announces Eid holidays on said date, the bids will be opened on the next working day as per said schedule/time.

4. Interested bidders may deposit item-wise bid security as per the following detail in shape of Call Deposit Receipt (CDR) issued by any Scheduled Bank in favour of Controller Military Accounts (Pensions), Lahore Cantt:-

Desktop Computers with LED

Network Attached Storage (NAS) Device with 16 TB Hard Drives  (4 each in one i.e. 4x2 = 8 Drives)

Portable External Solid State Drive (SSD)

Iron Racks

Auditor Tables with Chairs

Executive Chair

Officer Chairs

5. Bidders may quote rates against all or one or more Items under tender against which they intend to quote.

6. The procuring agency may reject all bids or proposals at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal.

The procuring agency shall, upon request, communicate to any supplier or contractor who submits the bid or proposal the grounds for rejection of all bids or proposals, but is not required to justify.

7. Tender Notice is also available on PPRA website i.e. www.ppra.org.pk

Deputy Controller (Admin)


Published On: 8 months ago

Newspaper: Dawn

Category(s): Furniture Tenders, It Tenders,

Company Detail

Pakistan Military Accounts Department Tenders Published Tender in Newspaper Dawn.

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