
Basic Education and Employable Skills Training Pakistan Peshawar Tender Notice

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Basic Education and Employable Skills Training Pakistan Peshawar Tender Notice View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh

Invitation to Bid (ITB)
Procurement of Items

Date: September 24, 2024
Deadline: October 04, 2024
BEST-Pak invites legally registered firms to submit their sealed bids for the items mentioned in the Category-01, 02 and 03 of Annex-F-2 of the document. Separately sealed Technical and Financial Bids, as per below instructions should reach the below address latest by Friday, October 04, 2024, till 4 PM on the address below: Late bids will not be accepted.

Address: BEST-Pak Office, House No. 456, Usman Lane, Afzal Abad, Old Bara Road, University Town, Peshawar.
This ITB includes the following Annexes as its integral part:-
Annex-F-1- Instruction to Bidders
Annex-F-2- Schedule of Required items / Specifications of Required Items
Annex-F-3- Specific Conditions
Annex-F-4- General Conditions:
Annex-F-5- Price Schedule
For clarification regarding this ITB, please contact Procurement Team Telephone #: 92-91-5852209/10 E-Mail: bestpak@brain.net.pk
This letter is not to be constructed in any way as an offer to contract; your bid could, however, form the basis for a contract between your company and BEST-Pak. Bidders are encouraged to acknowledge receipt of this ITB by e-mail to the BEST-Pak’s contact person specified and to obtain an electronic version of the BID submittals by visiting the link mentioned in the ITB advertisement.
Secretary P&ADC

A. Introduction
1. General:
BEST-Pak is a non-profit, non-governmental, non-sectarian organization engaged in emergency-relief, rehabilitation & long term development activities across the country. BEST-Pak invites sealed bids from reputed firms for the supply of (good or services).
2. Eligible Bidders
All potential firms, which are duly registered with Govt of Pakistan and with Tax Authorities.
3. Cost of Bid Tender documents available to bidders free of cost. The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with
the preparation and submission of the Bid, and BEST-Pak in no case be responsible or liable for those
costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the solicitation.
B. Solicitation Documents
4. Examination of Solicitation Documents: The Bidder is expected to examine all corresponding instructions, forms, terms and specifications contained in the Solicitation Documents. Failure to comply with these documents will be at the Bidder’s risk and may affect the evaluation of the Bid.
5. Clarification of Solicitation Documents: A prospective bidder requiring any clarification of this ITB may notify BEST-Pak in writing. The response will be made in writing to any request for clarification that is received within the specified time. Written copies of the response (including an explanation of the query but without identifying the source of inquiry) will be sent to all prospective Bidders that received the ITB, in cases where such information are deemed crucial for correct understanding of deliverables or related conditions.
6. Amendments to ITB: Not later than two days prior to the Deadline for Submission of Bids, BEST- Pak may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to a clarification requested by a prospective Bidder, amend this ITB. All prospective Bidders that have acknowledged the ITB, will be notified in writing of any amendments. In order to afford prospective Bidders reasonable time in which to take the amendments into account in preparing their offers, BEST-Pak may, at its discretion, extend the Deadline for the Submission of Bids. C. Preparation and Submission of Bids.
7. Language of the Bid: The Bid prepared by the Bidder and all correspondence and documents
relating to the Bid exchanged by the Bidder and BEST-Pak shall be written in English or Urdu.
8. Documents Comprising the Bid: Technical Bid must comprise the following documents:
a. Registration evidence (NTN, STRN, Form-H, Certificate of Incorporation)
b. Bid Security: Demand draft/ Call deposit amounting to 5% of the bid amount
c. Detailed specifications, Make, Model, Brochures etc. of the offered items
d. General and relevant experience of the firm: Copies of Purchase Order / Contracts in the last 01 years.
e. Detailed delivery schedule
f. Audited Financial statements (Balance Sheet and Income Statements) for last 01 year or Bank
Statement for last one year.
9. Bid Prices: All prices shall be quoted in Pak Rupees. Prices should be quoted on the prescribed
Price Schedule Annex F-5. Use separate forom F-5 for each category.
10. Sample submission: Bidder shall submit samples of the quoted items along with the bid.
D. Submission of Bids
11. Format and Signing of Bid: Bidders will submit separately sealed two envelopes, enclosed in an
outer sealed envelope. One envelope will be marked as Technical Bid and will contain requirements
mentioned in clause C 8 above. The other envelope will be marked Financial Bid and would contain
the quoted prices on format given as Annex F-5.
The outer envelope would be sealed and should contain ‘Bid for the required Items (ITB No. TK-
VST/01/2024), Not to be opened before (bid deadline)”.
12. Deadline for Submission of Bids/Late Bids:
12.1. Bids must be delivered to the office via courier on or before October 04, 2024, 4 PM. Sealed
bids should reach the address House No 456, Usman Lane, Afzalabad, Old Bara Road, University
Town, Peshawar.
12.2. BEST-Pak may, at its discretion, extend this deadline for the submission of the bids by
amending the Bidding Documents in accordance with clause 6 of Instructions to Bidders, in which
case all rights and obligations of the Purchaser and Bidders previously subject to the deadline will
thereafter be subject to the deadline as extended.
12.3. Any Bid received by the BEST-Pak after the Deadline for Submission of Bids will be rejected and
returned unopened to the Bidder.
13. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids: The Bidder may withdraw its Bid after submission,
provided that written notice of the withdrawal is received by BEST-Pak prior to the deadline for
submission and will be not entitled for resubmission. No Bid may be modified after passing of the
Deadline for Submission of Bids. No Bid may be withdrawn in the interval between the Deadline for
Submission of Bids and the expiration of the Period of Bid Validity.
E. Opening and Evaluation of Bids:
14. Opening of Bids and Preliminary Examination:
14.1 The bidders’ names, number of bids received, bids rejected due to late submission or wrong
submission (Technical and Financial Bids submitted in single envelope), deadline of bid submission,
extension, if any will be recorded on a Bid Opening Summary Sheet.
14.2 Accepted bids will be sent to Technical Evaluation Committee and Financial Bids of only
Technically Qualified bidders would be opened. Bidders, whose bids are declared disqualified during
Technical Evaluation, will be returned in sealed condition.
15. Evaluation of Bids and Evaluation Criteria: All bids will be evaluated in accordance with below
evaluation criteria:-
15.1. Compliance with requirements for registration of business and registration with tax authorities
15.2. Compliance with requirements relating to required technical specifications / quality standards.
Samples of items would be reviewed to ensure compliance with required specifications.
15.3 Compliance with Special and General Conditions specified in this ITB
15.4 Compliance with requirement of experience, delivery schedule and financial soundness.

Annex F-2
Specifications of Required Items:
S. No. Item Description Specification Unit type No. of
1 Scissors Singer No. 100
2 Inch Tape Standard Quality No. 100
3 L Square Standard Quality No. 100
4 Iron Panasonic No. 100
5 Sewing Machine Salika Sewing Machine No. 85
6 Machine Oil Local Best Quality No. 100
7 Flat Screwdriver China Best Quality No. 100
8 Thimble China Best Quality No. 100
9 Machine Motor China Made 180 Volt Set 100
S. No Name of Item Specification Unit type No of Units
1 Combination Plier 8" PRIDE No. 93
2 Wire Cutter 6" PRIDE No. 93
3 Nose Plier 6" PRIDE No. 93
4 Hammer 300 Gram No. 93
5 Cable Knife 6mm China No. 93
6 Phase Tester SOUOS Test Voltage. AC: 100-500 or
equivalent No. 93
7 Multimeter AC/DC Clamp 203 No. 93
8 Screw Wrench 18 mm PRIDE No. 93
9 Screwdriver Set WADFOW 07 Pieces Set 93
10 Crimping Tool Plier MC4 WADFOW AWG No. 93
11 Electric Drill
Machine BOOSH Rotary HAMMER/LT 26 mm No. 93
12 Measuring Tape 16 ft No. 93
13 Tool Bag Canvas No. 93
S.No Item Description Specification Unit type No of Units
1 Supply Machine 1502 DS, KADA, Supply DC Electricity No. 07
2 Heat Gun KADA 850 No. 07
3 Screen Separator KT 948Q No. 07
4 Multimeter DT 9205A No. 07
5 Soldering Iron 220V-30 W No. 07
6 Screwdriver Kit 5 in 1 China made No. 07
7 Tweezer KYD No. 07
8 Opener Steel of X Company No. 07
9 Tool Bag Canvas No. 07

Annex F-3
Specific Terms and Conditions
1. Quoted prices must include all government prevailing taxes.
2. The bids will be selected in any category based on the lowest price.
3. Clarification of Bids: To assist in the examination, evaluation and comparison of Bids BEST-Pak
may at its discretion ask the Bidder for clarification of its Bid. The request for clarification and
the response shall be in writing and no change in price or substance of the Bid shall be sought,
offered or permitted.
4. Period of Validity of Bids: Bids shall remain valid for 90 days after the date of Bids Submission
prescribed by BEST-Pak. A Bid valid for a shorter period may be rejected as non-responsive. In
exceptional circumstances, BEST-Pak may solicit the Bidder’s consent to an extension of the
period of validity. The request and the responses shall be made in writing. Bidders granting the
request will not be required nor permitted to modify their Bids.
5. Bid Security:
a. The Bidder shall furnish as part of its Bid a Bid Security amounting to 5% of the bid amount,
in the form of a call deposit or demand draft. Cheque will not be accepted as bid security and
bids without bid security will be rejected.
b. The successful Bidder’s Bid Security will be discharged or returned upon the completion of
the supplies.
c. The Bid Security may be forfeited, if a Bidder withdraws its offer during the period of the Bid
Validity specified in the ITB, after the submission deadline has passed.
6. The PADC reserves the right to alter the quantities, if required; such variation in quantities/
Units will not cause any change in unit price.
7. PADC reserves the right to cancel/reject all offers without assigning any reason.
8. A contract will be signed with successful bidder for timely supply of appropriate quality items.
Failure to meet the conditions of the agreement will result in cancellation of the agreement at
the risk and cost of the supplier.
9. In case project completion is delayed, BEST-Pak may impose a fine of 2% per day of the balance
amount of contract for each day of delay.
10. BEST-Pak reserves the right to forfeit the Performance Guarantee / Call Deposit in case of
breach of commitment or agreement.
11. Delivery Station and Date:
The successful bidder shall be required to deliver all the required items of the Category 01,
02 and 03 of Annex-F-2 at BEST-Pak Office, located at KPRA Colony near BRT Station - Mall of
Hayatabad, district Peshawar. Items shall be delivered with 10 days after the signing of
contract. All the items shall be received after inspection.

Annex F-4
1) Price: The prices stated on the order shall be held firm for the period and / or quantity unless
specifically stated otherwise
2) Source of Instructions: The Supplier shall not seek nor accept instructions from any source
external to Procuring Organization in relation to the performance of the contract.
3) Assignment: The Supplier shall not assign, transfer, sublet or subcontract the contract or any part
thereof without the prior written consent of the BEST-Pak.
4) Corruption: The Supplier shall not give, nor offer to give, anyone employed by BEST-Pak an
inducement or gift that could be perceived by others to be a bribe. The Supplier agrees that a
breach of this provision may lead to an immediate end to business relationships and termination of
existing contracts.
5) Confidentiality: All data, including but not limited to, maps, drawings, photographs, estimates,
plans, reports and budgets that has been compiled by or received by the Supplier under the contract
shall be the property of BEST-Pak and shall be treated as confidential. All such data should be
delivered to the authorized officials representing BEST-Pak upon request.
5.1 The Supplier may not communicate at any time to any other person, government or authority
external to BEST-Pak, any information that has been compiled through association with BEST-Pak
which has not been made public except with written authorization from BEST-Pak. These obligations
do not lapse upon termination of the contract.
6) Use of Emblem or Name: Unless otherwise agreed in writing; the Supplier shall not advertise nor
make public the fact that it is not supplying goods or services to BEST-Pak, nor shall the Supplier in
any way whatsoever use the name or emblem of BEST-Pak in connection with its business or
7) Observance of Law: The Supplier shall comply with all laws, ordinances, rules and regulations
bearing upon the performance of its obligations under the terms of the contract.
8) Force Majeure: The meaning of the term can be taken to mean acts of God, war (declared or
not), invasion, revolution, insurrection or acts similar in nature or force.
8.1 In the event of and as soon as possible after the occurrence of any cause deemed force majeure,
the Supplier must inform the Buyer of the full particulars in writing. If the Supplier is rendered
unable either in part or in whole to perform its obligations then the Buyer shall take such action as it
considers, in its sole discretion, to be appropriate or necessary in the circumstances.
8.2 If the Supplier is permanently rendered incapable in whole or part by reason of force majeure to
complete its obligations and responsibilities under the contract then the Buyer will have the right to
suspend or terminate the contract on the same terms and conditions laid out in section 9,
9) Cancellation: The Buyer reserves the right to cancel the contract should it suspend its activities or
through changes to its mandate by virtue of the BOD of Procuring Organization and/or lack of
funding. In such a case the Supplier shall be reimbursed by Procuring Organization for all reasonable
costs incurred by the Supplier, including all materials satisfactory delivered and conforming to
specification and terms of contract, prior to receipt of the termination notice.
9.1 Should the supplier encounter solvency problems including, but not limited to, bankruptcy,
liquidation, receivership and similar, the buyer reserves the right to terminate the contract
immediately without prejudice to any other right or remedy it may have under the terms of these

10) Warranty: The Supplier shall provide the Buyer with all manufacturers' warranties. The supplier
warrants that all goods supplied in relation to the contract meets specification, is defect free and is
fit for the purpose of the intended use. If, during the warranty period, the goods are found to be
defective or non- conforming to specification, the Supplier shall promptly rectify the defect. If the
defect is permanent then at the choice of the Buyer the Supplier will either replace the item at their
cost or reimburse the Buyer.
11) Loss and Indemnity: The Supplier shall compensate the Buyer in full on demand for all loss,
damage or injury to the Buyer which results from the Suppliers failure to comply with the Contract
(whether negligent or otherwise).
12) Insurance: The Supplier shall be at all times fully insured with a reputable insurer against all
insurable liability under the Contract.
l3) Inspection and Test: The Supplier must inspect the goods prior to dispatch to ensure
conformance to specification and/or any other provisions of the contract. The Buyer reserves the
right to inspect the goods for compliance with specifications and provisions of the contract. If, in the
Buyers' opinion, the goods and/or services do not comply with the specification, the Buyer will
inform the Supplier in writing. In such a case the Supplier shall take the necessary action to ensure
compliance, liability for any additional cost incurred for rectifying compliance will rest with the
14) Changes: The Buyer reserves the right to make reasonable changes at any time to the
specification, drawings, plans, quantity, packing instructions, destination, or delivery instruction. If
any such change affects the price of goods or performance of service the Supplier and Buyer may
negotiate an equitable adjustment to the contract, provided that the Supplier claims for
adjustments in writing to the Buyer within 3 days from being notified of any change.
15) Export License: If an export license or licenses are required for the goods, the Supplier has the
responsibility to obtain that license or licenses.
16) Payment Terms: Payment will be made within 30 working days through crossed cheque after
verification of the supplier’s invoice. Invoice of the supplier will be verified through satisfactory
delivery and technical test report (if any) of the supplies to the location mentioned in ITB.
17) Ethics: The nature of Procuring Organization operations necessitates that the Supplier must
maintain ethical and moral standards including but not limited to, no discrimination on the basis of
race, gender, religion or age, avoidance of materials/services provided with the use of slavery
including child labor. Failure to maintain such standards, in the opinion of the buyer, may result in
termination of the business relationship between the Buyer and Supplier.
18) Rights of Procuring Organization: Should the Supplier fail to perform under the terms and
conditions of the contract, including but not limited to failing to obtain export licenses or to make
delivery of all or part of the goods by the agreed delivery date(s), the Buyer may, after giving
reasonable notice to the Supplier, exercise one or more of the following rights:
18.1 Procure all or part of the services from an alternate source, in which event BEST-Pak may
hold the service provider liable for additional costs incurred.
18.2 Refuse to accept all or part of the services.
18.3 Terminate the contract.
19) No Agency: This order does not create a partnership between the Buyer and Supplier or make
one party the agent for the other for any purpose.
20) Severability: If any provision in this Agreement is deemed to be, or becomes invalid, illegal, void
or unenforceable under applicable law, such provision will be deemed amended to conform to
applicable law so as to become valid and enforceable, or if it cannot be so amended without
materially altering the intention of the parties, it will be deleted, but the validity, legality and

enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall not be impaired or affected in any
21) Jurisdiction Clause: The Contract shall be governed by Pakistani law and the Supplier consents
to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Pakistani courts in all matters regarding it except to the extent
that the Buyer invokes the jurisdiction of the courts of any other country.
22) Waivers and Variations:
22.1 A failure to exercise or delay in exercising a right or remedy provided by the Contract or by law
does not constitute a waiver of the right or remedy or a waiver of other rights or remedies. No
single or partial exercise of a right or remedy provided by the Contract or by law prevents further
exercise of the right or remedy or the exercise of another right or remedy.
22.2 0 variation of the Contract shall be effective unless it is made in writing and signed by each of
the parties.
23) Service of Notices:
23.1 Any notice given under the Contract shall be in writing and may be served:
By registered or recorded delivery mail;
By facsimile transmission (confirmed by post);
By any other means which any party specifies by notice to the others.
23.2 Each party's address for the service of notice shall be at their registered address or such other address as specified by notice to the others.


Published On: 5 months ago

Newspaper: Naibaat

Category(s): Ngo Tenders,

Company Detail

Non Government Organization Tenders Published Tender in Newspaper Naibaat.

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