
SBP Banking Services Corporation Rawalpindi Tender Notice

Rawalpindi ,
SBP Banking Services Corporation Rawalpindi Tender Notice View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh

SBP Banking Services Corporation

1. This Invitation to Bids follows the Procurement Advertisement (PA) No. RWP/GSU/ 000810 / EVS System / 2023-24 for the procurement of "Supply, Installation, Testing, Commissioning and Maintenance of IP Based Enterprise Video Surveillance System at SBP Banking Services Corporation Rawalpindi". 

2. The SBP Banking Services Corporation has reserved the finds for the procurement planned during the fmancial year 2023-24. It is intended that part of the proceeds of the fund will be used to cover eligible payment under the contract for the procurement. 

3. SBP Banking Services Corporation Rawalpindi invites sealed bids from eligible Suppliers to acquire IP Based Enterprise Video Surveillance System that meets the following eligibility criteria:

a. Bidder must be Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) or OEM's Authorized Agent of the offered Equipment in Pakistan;

b. Bidder must have experience of supplying and installing Cameras (Not less than 100) with Video Walls at least 03 (three) verifiable organizations during last 05 (five) years;

c. Bidder must have Annual Sales volume/Gross Turnover of at least PKR. 100 (hundred) million in any of the last 05 (five) years;

d. Bidder must have at least 02 (two) OEM Certified/Trained Resources;

e. Bidder must have Information Security Lab (ISL) to identify Cyber Threat, Vulnerability and Back Doors to all the Hardware and Software;

f. Bidder must be registered with Income and Sales Tax Department and must appear on Active Taxpayer List of FBR;

g. Bidder must not have been blacklisted or be in breach of performance with SBP or any Organization(s). 

4. The Bidding shall be conducted in line with the Single Stage Two Envelope Procedure of the Public Procurement Rules 2004 (PPR-2004) and any Regulations, Regulatory Guides, Procurement Guidelines or Instructions issued by the Authority (from time to time) and is open to all potential bidders. 

5. All technical bids must be accompanied by a Bid Security in an acceptable form amounting to PKR 100,000/-. 

6. This Invitation to Bids / Bidding Documents is also available on the websites: http//www.ppra.org.pk and http://www.sbp.org.pk. 

7. The original bid along with one (01) copy, properly filled in, and enclosed in sealed envelope(s), must be delivered at the office of the undersigned on or before Friday, January 26, 2024, 11:00 AM. The bids (technical part of the bids) will be opened same day at 11:30 AM in public and in the presence of bidders' representatives who choose to attend the opening at the Conference Room, 1' Floor, Old Office Block, SBP Banking Services Corporation, Peshawar Road, Rawalpindi, Pakistan. 

Chief Manager SBP Banking Services Corporation (SBP BSC) 1st Floor Old Office Block, SBP Banking Services Corporation (SBP BSC), Rawalpindi

Contact Number: 051-9273610, 051-9270758

Email: gsu-helpdesk-rwp@,sbp.org.pk, gsu-helpdesk-rwp@sbp.org.pk


Published On: 1 year ago

Newspaper: PPRA

Category(s): It Tenders,

Company Detail

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