The recovery rights for collection of following Taxes /Fees to Town Committee Shahpur Chakar for the period from 01-07-2024 to 30-06-2025 are to be Auctioned under the Chair-man Ship of Town Committee Shahpur Chakar, The Auction will be held on 07-06-2024 in case of failure of first attempt the next attempt will be held on 10-06-2024 & 11-06-2024 at 11:00 AM in Town Committee Shahpur Chakar.
Official Bid Contract
Cattle Piri, Entrance Parking/Parking Fee, Subzi Dalali Fee, Pat Piri, Sign Board / Advertisement, Sullage Water, One Trolley Size As per estimate cost open Security Deposit 10% rate required above
01. Interested parties/companies and firms are invited to participate in the open auction, after depositing 10% amount of the Official Bid Shown against each in shape of call deposit only in the name of Account Town Committee Shahpur Chakar no cash unsuccessful bidders.
02. The defaulters will not be allowed to participation in the open auction.
03. The Terms/condition and schedule of fees can be seen in the Office Tax working day.
04. The auction authority reserves the rights to accept or reject any bid or all the bids in ac-cordance with the Sindh Public Procurement rule 2010, the decision of Town Committee will be finale.