
Bright Star Development Society Sohabatpur Tender Notice

Sohbatpur ,
Bright Star Development Society Sohabatpur Tender Notice View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh

Bright Star Development Society-Baluchistan (BSDSB) is a non-profit and non -governmental
organization. BSDSB is implementing a project with the support of Star Network/Ready Pakistan BSDSBinvites sealed tenders from registered suppliers/service providers for the provision of following Items in District Sobat Pur.
Provision of Live Stock Fodder
Provision of Hygiene Kits
Provision of NFI
Terms & Conditions:
Tender documents can be collected from BSDSB Office,H. No 421-D Samungli Housing Scheme, Samungli Road, Quetta from 9:00am to 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. The tender pack can also be Requested by sending an email to procurement@bsdsb.org

• Sealed tenders should reach BSDSB Quetta office, H. No 421 -D Samungli Housing Scheme, Samungli Road, Quetta, on or before 03:00pm 29-08-2024". and should be clearly marked "TENDER - Not to be opened before 03:30pm 29-08-2024".
• Supplier must submit the samples along with their bids for lot No. 1.2.3. Bids without samples may be rejected.
• Tenders will be opened on the same dayi.e .29-08-2024 at 03:30pm in the presence of suppliers or their representatives, who wish to witness the tender opening.
• In case a public holiday is announced by the Government (Due to any reason) the tender will be opened the next working day at the same time and venue.
• Rates for supplies must be inclusive of all type of taxes, packing, and all other allied costs
• Delivery charges upto the delivery point including loading/unloading for each lot, should be
mentioned separately.
• Bidder are required to submit bid Security @ 5% of the bid value (for Lot 1,2,3) in the form of
CDR/Pay-order in favour of "BSDSB". Bids without bid security may be rejected.
• BSDSB reserves the right to divide the order Lot wise.
• Tender committee reserves the right to change the quantities or cancel/reject any or all offers
without assigning any reason.
• Suppliers must not be engaged in any corrupt, fraudulent, collusive or coercive practices
including but not limited to applying/ bidding by multiple names / companies. If any bidder is
found to be involved in such practices his/her bid may be rejected and the companies in question permanently black listed
• Lowest price will not be the sole criteria; quality, delivery time and previous experience will also be considered.
For further information call at Ph: 92-335-5442720, Email: procurement@bsdsb.org


Published On: 6 months ago

Newspaper: Express

Category(s): Ngo Tenders, General Order Supply Tenders,

Company Detail

Bright Star Development Society Tenders Published Tender in Newspaper Express.

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