Multan Electric Power Company (MEPCO) is one of the largest electricity distribution
company in Pakistan. Its area of operation comprises of 13 districts of south Punjab (i.e. Multan, Muzafargarh, Layyah, D.G.Khan, Rajanpur, R.Y.Khan, Bahawalpur, Lodhran, Vehari, Bahawalnagar, Pakpattan, Sahiwal and Khanewal).
MEPCO intends to hire a contractor/ firm / company for provision of outsourced skilled &
unskilled la bour for various offices in M EPCOjurisdiction through contract agreement.
Contractor / firm will submit their sealed bids / proposals (as per Single stage two
envelope procedure as contained under Section-36 (b) of Public Procurement Rules-2004) for
providing manpower initially for a period of one year on temporary basis as per following detail of work/ terms & conditions and schedule: -
Op: Circle R.Y.Khan
Op: Circle
M&T-I & II
TRW D.G. Khan
For Skilled Labour = 45years (relaxable upto
03 X years for relevant experienced labour)
For Unskilled Labour = 35years
(relaxable upto 03 x years for relevant
experienced labour)
The contractor/ firm fulfills one of the fol lowing criteria, may apply: -
a. Any firm listed with WAPDA, PEPCO now PPMC, NTDC, DISCOs for providing services of any kind such as consultancy, construction, construction of li nes etc.
b. Any firm providing manpower to Govt., Semi-Govt., listed Private Companies etc.
c. Firms listed in Utility Departments for the purpose of installation/ reading of meters such as Gas Companies, WAPDA, DevelopmentAuthoritiesa dPrivate Housing Schemes etc.
The technical evaluation of contractor / firm will cared out first for the purpose of pre- Id firms will be opened /evaluated.
qualification, whereas financial bids of only the pre-The bidder maybe a Sing e-firm or
The company must not been blacklisted from Government
The contractor / firm shall submit copies of such contract agreement signed with Govt. / Semi
Govt. / private institutions with satisfactory service certificate issued from concerned Authority.
The fees, cost, rates and charges will not be changed during the contract agreement period. Both parties will abide by any change in minimum wages rates due to any change in applicable minimum wage notification, after requisite approval of MEPCO patent Authority.
The contractor / firm applying should have sound financial position which should not be less
than the amount required to meet with the one-month salary of the total employees being
provided by the firm. Documentary evidence must be provided.
M EPCO reserves the right to shift, increase/decrease the number of labour (maximum upto 15% of contract) at any formation and office as per its need.
Contractor / firm will be liable to provide 15% extra labour if required in urgency with one-
month notice.
The persons employed by the contractor / firm under this agreement shall be the employees of the contractor/ firm and ME PCO will have no liability in this regard whatsoever
Attach attested photocopies of all necessary documents. In order to prove eligibility for biding, original documents should be produced at the time of opening of tender.
The Tender documents (containing whole relevant information) may be obtained from the office of DG (HR & Admn) MEPCO HQs Khanewal Road Multan at the cost of Rs.7000/- during the office hour's upto 09.09.2024. No Tender will be issued on Tender opening date i.e. 10.09.2024.
Tender duly sealed and superscribed as "Tender for Provision of Skilled & Unskilled Labour" and Tender Noe02/MEPCO/lC/2024 must be delivered in the office of DG (HR & Admn) MEPCO HQs Khanewal Road Multan on 10.09.2024 upto 10:30 AM, Which Will be opened at 11:00 AM on the same date and in the presence of the representatives of the companies, who may like to attend. In case of late submission, Tenders will not be entertained.
Bid guarantee i.e. Rs. (Rupees One Million only) in the shape of Pay Order / Bank Draft / CDR payable at Multan in the name of Finance Director, MEPCO HQ Khanewal Road
Multan must be submitted with Technical Proposal otherwise tender will not be entertained.
The CDR (05% of the total quoted price) in the shape of Bank Guarantee issued from any
scheduled Bank of Pakistan acceptable to MEPCO, will be provided by the contractor / firm prior to signing of the Contract Agreement and the same will be retained as performance guarantee in MEPCO account and will be released to firm after satisfactory completion of contract subject.
MEPCO reserves the right to reject all bids / proposals as per clause 33 (1) of PPRA Rules
Director General (HR & Admn)
ME-PCO H/Qs, Khanewal Road, Multan.
Phone: 061-9210380