
The Bank of Punjab Lahore Tender Invitation

Lahore ,
The Bank of Punjab Lahore Tender Invitation View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh

Technical and financial bids on the Single Stage-Two Envelope Bidding Process are invited from well-reputed organizations/companies for the Procurement of Paper Reams as per the following details:

1. Bid documents are immediately available at E-Pad portal (https://punjab.eprocure.gov.pk/) and the PPRA website after this publication and may be obtained/download free of cost.

2. The Applicants/Vendors are advised to follow both processes i.e E-Pad portal and Physical bid submission (Both are Mandatory). For physical submission, Bids must reach to Head Centralized Procurement, Head Office, 1st Floor, BOP Tower, 10-B, Block E/ll, Main Boulevard, Gulberg Ill, Lahore and be dropped in a Bid Box available/placed for the purpose, on or before 20-08-2024 (till 11:00 AM) as per specifications mentioned in tender

3. The words "Technical bid" & "Financial bid" should be clearly marked on each envelope.

4. Technical Bids will be opened by a Committee on the same day i.e 20-08-2024 at 11:30 am, in the presence of bidders or their authorized representatives who wish to attend the bid opening process. Financial Bids of only technically qualified bidders shall be opened on a date/time to be announced subsequently. Financial bids of bidders which may not qualify shall be returned unopened.

5. The bid security minimum 2% of the estimated cost with technical bids must be submitted to Head CPD before submission time in the form of Call Deposit Receipt (CDR)/UC in favor of The Bank of Punjab.

6. Incomplete/conditional bids and bids bearing cutting/overwriting without authentication will not be considered

7. Prices must be quoted inclusive of all applicable taxes and delivery charges.

8. Valid NTN / GST Registration Certificates are required with the bid.

9. This Advertisement is uploaded on websites of PPRA (www.ppra.punjab.gov.pk), BOP (www.bop.com.pk) and E-Pad portal (https://punjab.eprocure.gov.pk/) .

10. The Bank will not be responsible for any cost incurred in the submission of documents

Head Centralized Procurement

1st Floor, Head Office BOP Tower, 10-B, Block E/ll, Main Boulevard Gulberg Ill, Lahore Ph: 042-35783930, 35783670
Email:- procurement@bop.com.pk


Published On: 6 months ago

Newspaper: Nawaiwaqt

Category(s): General Order Supply Tenders,

Company Detail

The Bank of Punjab Tenders Published Tender in Newspaper Nawaiwaqt.

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