
Elite Force Police Department Peshawar Tender Notice

Peshawar ,
Elite Force Police Department Peshawar Tender Notice View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh

Elite Force Police Department invites sealed tenders for the supply of Other Contingency Items
/ Articles, Repair of Machinery Items / Articles and Furniture Repair for Elite Force Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa, in the current financial year 2024-25 based on the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Procurements Rules 2014 from approved Government Contractors registered with Income Tax
& Sales Tax Department and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Revenue Authority (renewed upto 2022).
Tenders be addressed to the Deputy Commandant Elite Force Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar.
The last date for submission of Tenders / Quotations is 12th August 2024 and wil be opened on
the same date at II 00 hours, in the presence of committee and intending bidders in office of
the Deputy Commandant Elite Force CPO Khyber Pakhtun w? Peshawar. Total CoSt of the
tender is Rs. 2, 700,000/-.
The offers shall be accepted only with original bidd'
0 ents, Photocopies will not be
accepted. Bidding documents including list of Other
in enc Items/ Articles, Terms and
Conditions can be Obtained from thegoffi
n Elite Force CPO Khyber
t Aåiust2024.
Pakhtunkhwa Peshawaroti änyworkingday i
Terms and Conditions
1. The Bidders shall submit 02% Earnest Money with their quotations in the shape of Bank
Drafts of any scheduled Bank in favour of the Deputy Commandant Elite Force Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa. In case of non acceptance of tenders, the earnest money will be refunded
2. In case of acceptance oftenders, the bidder shall deposita security@ 10%ofthe total value
in the form of Deposit at Call in the name of the Deputy Commandant Elite Force Khyber
Pakhtunkhwea and sign the contract agreement with Elite Force Police Department which
will be applicable upto 30-06-2025; Security shall be refunded on successful completion of
the contract.
3. The bidder must submit documentary evidence that the firm has capability / capacity to
supply the Other Contingency items/ articles being tendered.
4. Rates quoted would be considered only if the same are in Pak Rupees and inclusive of all
gove taxes / duties/ charges as applicable. The rates will not be changed at any cost and will
be applicable upto 30-06-2025.
5. The supply will be made immediately on the requirement ofthis office, if the supplier failed
to do so the competent authority is authorized to impose penalty on the supplier under
KPPRA Rules i.e. Fine or Black Listing etc.
6. Conditional Tender/ Application will not be entertained,
7. No advance payment will be made, payment of Bills should be made after supply/ checking
of other contingency items / articles and pre-audit from Accountant General Office Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar.
Deputy Commandant,
Elite Force, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Peshawar


Published On: 6 months ago

Newspaper: Express

Category(s): Furniture Tenders, Repair And Maintenance Tenders,

Company Detail

Police Department Tenders Published Tender in Newspaper Express.

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