
National Assembly Secretariat Islamabad Tender eProcurement

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National Assembly Secretariat Islamabad Tender eProcurement View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh


(E-Procurement of Services)
Pre-qualification of catering firms for catering arrangements in Staff Cafeteria Parliament House, Islamabad
1. Sealed tenders are invited for pre-qualification of the reputed firms having at least 05 years
of catering services for running of Staff Cafeteria (Ground floor) of the Parliament House,
Islamabad, to cater the employees, Media Persons and other visitors:-

2. Cafeteria will have to be operated during office hours and during sessions of Parliament in
which besides daily breakfast, lunch and if needed dinner, snacks/bakery items and
beverages will have to be provided.

3. No rent for premises would be charged. The firms therefore, shall quote subsidized rates of
food stuff.

4. Fine quality crockery, cutlery, utensils, Refrigerator cafeteria equipment & cleanliness of
cafeterias shall be responsibility of the caterer.

5. The payment of utility bills (Electricity and Suigas) consumed in Staff Cafeteria will be paid
by the CDA.

6. The formal contract would be executed initially for a period of two years extendable for
another year with mutual consent of both parties.

7. Tender documents/list of menu items can be obtained from the office of Section Officer
(Services), National Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad, during office hours.

8. Tender must be supported with 05 years' experience in the field, number of staff and their skills & client list. A pre-qualification process will be undertaken and only those firms will be included in the competitive selection who have proven track record in the business of restaurant/catering or high class cafeteria operations and sound financial position etc.

9. An earnest money of Rs. 200,000/- (refundable) in shape of Bank Draft in favor of National
Assembly Secretariat, Islamabad, must be provided along with document of Technical
Proposal. No tender will be entertained without earnest money.

10. Interested firms will register themselves on the portal E-PADS of PPRA Website. Tender
must be submitted by e-procurement methods of PPRA as well as a hard copy(Sealed).

11. Tender documents and Tender Notice can be downloaded from PPRA website
(www.ppra.org.pk) as well as National Assembly Secretariat Islamabad Website

12. Tender must reach the undersigned on 15" August, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. which will be
opened on the same day at 11:30 a.m. in the presence of the bidders or their authorized

13. The National Assembly Secretariat, reserves the right to accept or reject any or all tenders
as per provisions of PPRA Rules 2004.
Section Officer (Service)


Published On: 6 months ago

Newspaper: Express Tribune

Category(s): Catering Tenders,

Company Detail

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