
Chaklala Cantonment Board Tender Notice

Chaklala ,
Chaklala Cantonment Board Tender Notice View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh

Murree Road, Saddar Rawalpindi, Postal Code 46000 24/7 Helpline: 051-9272476 Tel: 051-9270160 Fax: 051-9270150
Chaklala Cantonment Board working under the Administrative control of Ministry of Defence, ML&C Deptt, Murree Road Rawalpindi invites Electronic Bids for supply of following items complete in all respect for Chaklala Cantt Area in accordance with the PPRA Rules 2004 (as amended upto date) from the eligible firms, original manufactures / sole distributors/contractors firms, registered with Income Tax and Sales Tax Departments and who are on Active Taxpayers List of the Federal Board of Revenue having current registration with Pakistan Engineering Council and also registered with Chaklala Cantonment Board being procuring entity for electronic bidding:-
Supply of moveable rubbish
Bins for Chaklala Cantt Area
(Steel) with CCB monogram
Supply of Poly cart rubbish
Bins for Chaklala Cantt Area
CCB monogram and colour
Major Terms and Conditions are as under:-

1. The quotations/ tenders should only be submitted electronically online, on or before
15-08-2024 at 11:00 am through e-Tender portal of ML&C Deptt (http://etender.m/c.gov.pk) which will be opened on the same day electronically at 11:30 am. The contractor will be able to see comparative statement online.

2. The bidder shall submit 2% Bid Security of the estimated cost sealed in envelop in the
shape of call deposit (original) only through courier before closing date and time.

3. In case of bid/rate quoted by the bidder is more than 10% below the item rate, the
additional bid security shall be sought from the successful bidder only to the extent of
bid more that 10% below the estimate in the form of percentage. The amount of
additional bid security shall be equal to the impact of financial difference occurring in
the quoted rates beyond 10% below estimate.

4.Electronic bids should be submitted electronically on or before the fixed date / time.

5. The bidders can register themselves with Chaklala Cantonment Board at
etender.m/c.gov.pk for online bidding one day prior to the last date of submission of
the electronic bids.
Electronic Bidding rates shall be quoted / evaluated on "Each Unit" basis of Gross
Amount of BOQ. Only two digits after the decimal point shall be considered for
evaluation purpose.

7. Who provides incorrect information shall stand disqualified and will be debarred
under rule 19 of the PPRA Rules, 2004 (As amended).

8. Time allowed for completion of the work is as specified in the NIT which will start
from the issuance of letter of acceptance.

9. Electronic Bids will be valid for 6 Months and rates shall be inclusive of FOR

10. Successful Bidder shall sign the agreement with the procuring entity within Fifteen
(15) days after acceptance of bid.

11. The quoted rates shall be inclusive of all applicable Government (Federal / Provincial)

12. Call Deposit of scheduled Banks shall be acceptable from the respective Bank
Account of the bidder.

13. Any bid received in contravention of enabling provisions of PPRA rules, 2004 will be
declared non-responsive by the Board being procuring entity. Chaklala Cantonment
Board being procuring entity reserved the right to accept or reject any E-bid on
technical / administrative grounds under Rule 33(1) of PPRA Rules, 2004 (As amended
upto date).
Executive Officer,
Chaklala Cantonment


Published On: 7 months ago

Newspaper: Express Tribune

Category(s): Civil Construction Tenders,

Company Detail

Cantonment Board Tenders Published Tender in Newspaper Express Tribune.

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