An open auction for disposal of waste papers i.e. old and used Answer Scripts of 28/6 pages supplements of SSC & HSC Annual/Supplementary Examinations will be held within the premises of the BISE, Larkano, The auction material can be seen at any time during office hours, as it is and where it is basis. Waste Paper old and used Answer of Script
1. The parties will have to deposit Rs.50,000/- as bid money in favour of the Secretary BISE, Larkano latest by 31-08-2024 upto11:00 A.M, in the shape of Demand Draft/ Pay order. In case of failure to deposit the bid money the name of bidder will not be included in the list and will not be eligible for bid/ participation.
2. The participants will have to deposit Rs.2,000/- as participation fee (Non-refundable) in favour of the Secretary BISE Larkano, in the shape of D.D/ Pay Order/ Bank Challan. Latest by 05-06-2023 up to 11:00 A.M.
3. The successful bidder will have to deposit 25% of total bid money on the spot on 31.08.2024 and the rest of amount of bid shall be payable within 03 days after the approval of auction by the Chairman, failing which the bid money and 25% deposited money will be
4. The bid money of Rs.5,0000/- will be included in the amount of the bid of Successful bidder and the unsuccessful bidders will be returned their bid money on the spot.
5. The Auctioned material shall have to be removed / collected entirely from this office within 06 days after the payment of full auction money by the successful party only, failing which Rs.2000/- will be charged as penalty per day.
6. Other terms and conditions (if any) will be announced at the time of auction.
7. The successful bidder shall be responsible for payment of Income Tax and SST at the rate of 10% of total cost.
8. The Board will deal only with the successful bidders whereas sublet action will not be allowed.
9. The Chairman, BISE, Larkano reserves the right of rejection of any or all the bids without assigning any reason thereof.
Phone No. 074-4759016