
Tender for Airports Security Force ASF Karachi

Karachi ,
Tender for Airports Security Force ASF Karachi View more Ads in this Company All Category All City Refresh


Firms are invited for Pre-Qualification Tender by Chief Security Officer ASF Karachi Airport for the repair & mamtenance of heavy & light vehicles for the Financial Year 2024-2025 from time to time as and when needed. Items/ Description
Purchase/R lacement of Overhaulin Engine Accessories if needed
Purchase/Replacement of different types of Water Bodies and Radiators (if needed)
Purchase/R lacement of different t es of Brake Shoes & Pads
Purchase/Replacement of different types of Wheel Drums, Rims and Wheel Studs
Purchase/R lacement of different t es of Hydraulic Pum s
Purchase/R lacement of different t es of Ti Rods
Purchase/Replacement of different ty)es of Balancing Rods
Purchase/R lacement of different t es of Brake MasterC linders
Purchase/Replacement of different m)es of Clutch Master Cylinders
Purchase/R lacement of different Clutch Plate & Pressure Plate and Accessories
Purchase/Replacement of different types of fans and belts
Purchase/R lacement of different es of Self (if needed)
Purchase/Replacement of different numbers of tyres, Tubes & Fla s
Purchase/RepIacement of different types of Filters
i.e. Oil Filters, Diesel Filter, Petrol Filters, Air Filters & A/C Filters)
Purchase/Replacement of different types of Batteries and Accessories
(Daewoo / AGS / Exide & Osaka) as requirements
Purchase/Replacement of different t es of Cables & Assemblies
Purchase/RepIacement of different types of Kammani Patta & Accessories
(i.e. Bush, Pins, Ni Ie, Ghola, Center Bolt, Rakab & Grease etc.)
Purchase/Replacement of different types of auto spare parts
i.e. Generator, Wi Motor, Plu s, Bulbs, Fuses, HI) Leads, ition Coil, Wirin , Rela s, Switches and li ts etc.
Ty es of Vehicles
Hino Buses
Hino Trucks
Hino Coasters
Hino Water Bowzer
Toyota Hi-Lux
Toyota VIGO
Toyota REVO
Suzuki Hi-Roofs
Suzuki Pick Up
Suzuki Cultus Car
Mitsubishi Hiace
Motor cycles (Suzuki GS-150)
Motor Cycles (Suzuki 250cc)
Types of Vehicles
Hino Buses
Hino Trucks
Hino Coasters
Hino Water Bowzer
Toyota Hi-Lux
Toyota VIGO
Toyota REVO
Suzuki Hi-Roofs
Suzuki Pick Up
Suzuki Cultus Car
Mitsubishi Hiace
Motor Cycles
Motor Cycles
(Suzuki 250cc)
Tender documents may be obtained during office time 0900 hrs to 1600 hrs from MT Office of ASF JIAP Karachi located in ASF Garrison at the cost of Rs. 1 000/- cash (Non Refundable) with written request on firm's letter head pad.
Last date of submission of tender is 20th Aug. 2024 up to 1100 hrs-
Tenders should be dropped in the tender box placed at MT Shed of ASF JIAP Karachi. After 1100 hrs 20tn Aug. 2024 no tender documents will be entertained / dropped in tender box.
Tenders will be opened at MT Shed of ASF JIAP Karachi at 1130 hrs on 20th Aug, 2024 in the presence of participants of tenderers or their representative if they desire to be presented.
Tender will not be accepted through postal, courier or email.
Tender will be opened in the presence of firm's representative, if they wish to be presented.
Following documents must be attached with tender inquiry:-
Copies ofCNIC of Owner / Proprietor.
copies of FBR and SRB Certificates.
Copy of letter showing firm's financial capability (Bank Statement).
Copies of showmg relevant experience, workman ship & equipment etc.
Affidavit on Stamp Paper that firm is not black listed by Government and Sami Government.
Past Performance.
Complete Workshop address on firm's letter head with contact No.
All tenderers must be accompanied by earnest money in shape of Pay Order @ 1% of total bid value (Refundable) in favour of Chief Security Officer ASF JIAP Karachi. Earnest money equal to 01% will be mentioned on tender documents.
In complete, ambiguous and conditional tenders will not be accepted.
Tenders will be opened on next working day if the date of opening is declared as holiday.
Chief Security Officer ASF JIAP Karachi reserves the rights to accept or reject any or all tenders as per PPRA Rules, 2004.
Chief Security Officer
ASF JIAP Karachi
Phone: 021-99071386


Published On: 7 months ago

Newspaper: Business Recorder

Category(s): General Order Supply Tenders, Electrical And Mechanical Tenders, Generator Tenders,

Company Detail

Airports Security Force Tenders Published Tender in Newspaper Business Recorder.

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