Consulate General of Pakistan Houston
Tender Notice
Advertisement for Hiring of Medical Insurance Provider The Consulate General of Pakistan Houston is holding "Quote for the Health Insurance (Medical, Dental and Vision) for its 10 employees (with families). Bides are invited from service providers in the health Insurance industry.
Interested firms having established credentials in the Health Insurance industry may
forward their Bids in double sealed envelope/email latest by 1300 hrs Thursday August
15, 2024, addressed to: Head of Chancery Consulate General of Pakistan,
11850 Jones Rd, Houston, TX-77070 OR
The bids will be opened at 1330 hrs on Thursday August 15, 2024, 30 minutes after the
closing date and time of the tender, in the presence of authorized representatives of the
bidders who wish to be present at the time of opening of the Quotes.
The Consulate retains the right to reject any bids/quotes/proposal. Firms will be invited for presentation and discussion with a selection committee. Required information/tender documents/Employees Census can be obtained by contacting the Consulate General of Pakistan, Houston at PH: 281-949-4966 (Ext-123) or the above email.